Preprosto učinkoviti.
Zgibni paneli
Zgibni paneli se lahko ročno odpirajo v obe smeri – levo ali desno, po principu harmonike. Posamezne plošče v panelu se ob odpiranju zložijo ena poleg druge in zavzamejo zelo malo prostora. Po drugi strani pa se zaprti paneli zlijejo s fasado in ustvarijo enoten videz objekta.
Te žaluzije omogočajo prilagajanje njihovega položaja, kar zagotavlja ustrezno senčenje in zasebnost notranjih prostorov.
Zložljivi mehanizmi se lahko uporabljajo do 6 plošč, z različnimi možnostmi polnila.
Type FPE
Shutters with extended aligment with guides.
This is a shading system where individual panels are attached to a mechanism with specialised hinges.
When the shutters are closed, the integrant panels can cover the guides entirely. Profiles are made from aluminium and parts from stainess steel.
This system allows the shutters to be always aligned with the facade and can cover the whole facade.
2 panels
Ceiling hidden fixation.
6 panels
Ceiling hidden fixation.
4 panels
Ceiling hidden fixation.
Type FPE M
Motorized variant of FPE. Linear motors are used in the Driving mechanism of motorised folding stutters.
Photo: Filip Slapal
2 panels
Folding shutters type FPE M motorized
6 panels
Folding shutters type FPE M motorized
4 panels
Folding shutters type FPE M motorized
Class 6 wind resistance according to EN 13659
* Alu sheet and Alu perforated sheet can be used on span up to 900 mm, in case of use of bigger thickness of 2 mm and 3 mm respectively
** Specific resistance studies or system adaptations are required for balcony side shutters, loggia closures, free bay closures or when distance from shutter to fixed window/facade is greate
*** For specific H/W dimensions look at the price table. Possible dimensions for use are non blank.
Type FPC
This is a system of folding shutters where the panels are attached to a mechanism within the panel’s frame. The guide is installed above the panel visible, if not integrated into the loggia ceiling. Profiles are made from aluminium. Other metal parts are from stainless steel.
2 panels
6 panels
4 panels
Class 6 wind resistance according to EN 13659
* Alu sheet and Alu perforated sheet can be used on span up to 900 mm, in case of use of bigger thickness of 2 mm and 3 mm respectively
** Specific resistance studies or system adaptations are required for balcony side shutters, loggia closures, free bay closures or when distance from shutter to fixed window/facade is greate
*** For specific H/W dimensions look at the price table. Possible dimensions for use are non blank.
PARTIAL (1/3 W1) SASH wind exposure
COMPLETE SASH overwinding protection outside
NO SASH wind exposure
COMPLETE SASH overwinding protection inside
* Alu sheet and Alu perforated sheet can be used on span up to 900 mm, in case of use of bigger thickness of 2 mm and 3 mm respectively
** Specific resistance studies or system adaptations are required for balcony side shutters, loggia closures, free bay closures or when distance from shutter to fixed window/facade is greate
*** For specific H/W dimensions look at the price table. Possible dimensions for use are non blank.